Fall in love with the outdoors, hg6668皇冠登录, 骑自行车, and chasing waterfalls in Marquette, Michigan this summer

一些老朋友热情洋溢地谈论着hg6668皇冠登录、密歇根州的小径和户外风光. So, when our schedules finally lined up, 两名州下的原住民穿过桥,向我们展示了马凯特以穿越参天大树的壮观hg6668皇冠登录而闻名, gorgeous waterfalls, stunning beachside sunsets, and cold brews by the fire underneath a starry sky.


With a plan to hike part of The North Country Trail这里是美国风景最优美的步道之一,我们在这里停下来加油 The Crib他是一家咖啡烘焙师,提供当地的烘焙食品,他住在一栋庄严的维多利亚式住宅里. 我们在楼上的沙发上坐下来,狼吞虎咽地吃着我们的火腿和奶酪羊角面包, anxious to get out on the trail. As we headed out the door, the bakery case called to us once again, 于是我们把咖啡倒满,拿了几块饼干准备上路.


北部乡村小径横跨4600英里,从纽约到北达科他州. We decided on the 1.5-mile trek from Wetmore Landing to Little Presque Beach. We set out on the densely wooded trail, 穿过高大的松树,沿着铺满松针的宽阔小路hg6668皇冠登录. 当我们走在高耸的松树丛中时,我注意到我们右边有一片明亮的蓝色. 我忍不住穿过树林,发现苏必利尔湖就在那里! 这条小径环绕着湖上的海岸线,带我们穿过据说有20亿年历史的岩层. 我们停下来,从60英尺高的巨大悬崖上俯瞰整个湖泊. 一段陡峭的楼梯通向湖岸小径,另一段通向海滩.

小普莱斯克岛地区通常被称为“苏必利尔湖皇冠上的宝石”,” and it wasn’t hard to see why. Towering pines, rugged cliffs, a gorgeous sandy beach with some of the clearest, bluest water you will see anywhere. 我们享受着阳光,沿着水边散步, abandoning our boots to feel the sand between our toes.

North Country Trail signhg6668皇冠登录hg6668皇冠登录

Little Presque Isle sits just offshore, 被一片冰冷的水域隔开,波涛汹涌,水流危险. 据说,在20世纪30年代之前,它一直与海滩相连,是探险家和当地人的登陆点.

The climb back up to Wetmore Landing awaited, 于是我们吃了些咸巧克力饼干补充能量,开始了我们的返程之旅. We took time to catch our breath during the climb, 勘察大地,希望能发现羊肚菌. Although we didn’t find any, we had fun searching.   

That evening, we headed to Blackrocks Brewery for a local craft brew. 让我们惊讶的是——也是我们的胃里的喜悦——一辆巨大的绿色校车,被称为 Burger Bus, was out front serving up classic singles (or doubles, if you can), with sacks of fresh, hand cut fries. 烤汉堡和焦糖洋葱的味道太诱人了,让人无法抗拒. 内部, 我们喝着清脆的鲤鱼河薄雾淡啤酒,和调酒师聊天, 谁愿意分享他们关于小径和容易找到的瀑布的知识. 外, we leaned back in the low slung Adirondack chairs, put our feet up by the fire pit, 当我们计划明天的皇冠苹果版app下载时,仰望星空.  



While our friends ventured off to check out Marquette’s single track trails我们听从了调酒师的建议,开了短短的15分钟的车去了 Dead River Falls. 我们把卡车停好,从发电厂停车场上了大山. A carved stump that read “Dead River Falls,” and an arrow pointing down clued us into our next move, though the sound of rushing water helped as well. We followed the stairs down, continuing on the rocky forest floor, dodging roots until we came to the first falls. 这条河很宽,两边都是长满苔藓的巨石和森林. 瀑布的落下只是对即将到来的事情的一种体验. After chatting with the Blackrocks guys, 我们知道我们必须穿过树木繁茂的陡峭河岸, or the boulders along the riverbed, to get to the other falls. The water was rushing through the crevasses, making the rocks slick, 所以我们决定在河岸上进行具有挑战性的攀爬.


这条小路崎岖陡峭,蜿蜒在岩石和树根上. The further we went, the more impressive the falls became. 我们从森林里躲到巨大的巨石上,目睹了中间瀑布的急剧下降. 目睹了水的巨大力量冲破巨大的岩层, 听到它跳入20英尺以下平静的水池的声音令人着迷. 我浑身是汗,擦了擦额头,告诉瑞恩继续前进,决心爬到山顶.

The next drop was particularly impressive, thanks to its sharp dive through a deep, dark gorge, surrounded by lush green trees. We finally made it to the top, where the river widened, 我们在岸边休息,喘口气,欣赏最后一组瀑布在多层岩石上翩翩起舞. Sweaty and smiling, we sat in silence, 让落水的声音让我们进入一种完全放松的状态.

Woman in front of a waterfallWaterfallWoman at Waterfall

Not quite done with waterfalls, 我们原计划当天下午晚些时候在摩根瀑布和朋友们见面. Just 10 minutes from downtown Marquette, toward Marquette Mountain, 瀑布可以通过一条车辙不平的半英里土路到达,在潮湿的天气里,如果没有四轮驱动或高净空车辆,这条土路很难行驶, so we hiked it instead. We meandered down the road, 避开水坑和泥泞的车辙,我们走到一座木桥上,桥上横跨河流,通向瀑布. 瀑布从陡峭的岩石表面倾泻而下,从20英尺处滑入下面的一个水池. Our friends were already there, soaking their tired feet in the pool, and we went ahead and joined them. 尽管瀑布很容易到达,但这里是我们的地盘. We relaxed, mesmerized by the falls. 我们唯一缺少的就是啤酒厂的几罐冷罐头.



We spent our last day exploring downtown Marquette, and cruising the lakeshore by bike, 最后参观普雷斯克岛公园,欣赏镇上最美的景色. 这个占地近300英亩的公园坐落在巨大的砂岩悬崖上,可以看到苏必利尔湖的广阔景色. 我们把自行车停好,沿着环绕半岛的小路hg6668皇冠登录, stopping to take in the views along the way. 我们到达日落角时,演出刚刚开始,我们在一条长凳上找了个座位,俯瞰着大海, blue water. We sat quietly, 看着太阳慢慢融化成一滩黄色和橙色, 当风吹起时,海浪在岬角周围翻滚. 我不禁想,这是一次千载难逢的假期. It’s not every day you can hike through a forest, then along stunning cliffs overlooking an enormous clear, blue lake, and down to a sandy beach, 或者跋涉穿过树林来到瀑布,却看不到一个人. Days like these are fleeting. Someday, life will become much more complex and scheduled. 这次旅行教会了我如何放松,如何欣赏沿途的风景.

“We sat quietly, 看着太阳慢慢融化成一滩黄色和橙色, 当风吹起时,海浪在岬角周围翻滚.”

日落飞溅Couple by a rock